Stormwind Map

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Please report any mistake or omission in our forum - Some areas are not activated yet (beta), and some NPCs are moved between beta pushes. To look for a specific NPC or location, use the CTL+F function to search. To play and search the map easily, use the console (~ key), and type: gxwindow 1 then gxrestart.

It is now possible to ask Guards (by right-clicking on them) about a particular character or trainer. The Guard will then point you towards a shop. By using CTL+F, you can find the shop location on our map. Please, should we have missed anybody, contact us.

Note: The links to quest pages are still being populated and do not reflect all quests at the moment. We know that some are missing. As usual, your help identifying these missing quests is really appreciated.

Trade District - Old Town - Dwarven District - Stormwind Keep - Cathedral Square - Stockade - The Park - Mage Quarter

Trade district
Store Name
NPC name
1 The Cheese Cutters Ben Trias
Corbett Schneider
Elaine Trias
Elling Trias

Apprentice of Cheese
Mistress of Cheese
Master of Cheese

2 Stormwind's Visitor Center Aldwin Laughlin
Rebecca Laughlin
Guild Master
Tabard Vendor
3 Pestle's Apothecary Kyra Boucher
Morgan Pestle
Keldric Boucher
Renato Gallina
Reagent Vendor
Receives quest item from Goldshire
Arcane Goods Vendor
Gives quest (outside shop)
4 Everyday Merchandise Thurman Mullby
Edna Mullby
Stephanie Turner
General Goods Vendor
Trade Supplier
--- (outside shop)
5 Gryphons Dungar Longdrink Gryphon Master
6 Stormwind Counting House Olivia Burnside
Newton Burnside
John Burnside
7 Weller's Arsenal Marda Weller
Gunther Weller
Weapons Merchant
Weapons Merchant
8 Lionheart Armory Harlan Bagley
Carla Granger
Lara Moore
Aldric Moore
Gives quest
Cloth Armor Merchant
Leather Armor Merchant
Mail Armor Merchant
9 The Empty Quiver Lina Stover
Frederick Stover
Arrow Merchant
Bow & Arrow Merchant
10 Fragrant Flowers Felicia Gump
Bernard Gump
Herbalism Supplier
11 Canal Tailor and Fit Shop Lisbeth Schneider
Rema Schneider
Gives quest
12 Gallina Winery Julia Gallina
Roberto Pupellyverbos
Suzetta Gallina
Wine Vendor
Merlot Connoisseur
Receives quest item from Renato Gallina
13 The Gilded Rose Innkeeper Allison
75 Dock Arnold LeLand
Catherine LeLand

Fishing Trainer
Fishing Supplier
Old Town
Store Name
NPC name
14 Garrison Wu Shen
Ilsa Corbin
Warrior Trainer
Warrior Trainer
15 Barracks Master Mathias Shaw
Osborne the Night Man
Sloan McCoy
Guildmaster of the Stormwind Assassins
Rogue Trainer
Poison Supplier
16 The Protective Hide Maris Granger
Seoman Griffith
Alyssa Griffith
Jillian Tanner
Simon Tanner
Skinning Trainer
Leather Armor Merchant
Bag Vendor
Leatherworking Supplier
Leatherworking Trainer
17 Limited Immunity Osric Strang
Wilhelm Strang
Heavy Armor Merchant
Mail Merchant
18 Honest Blades Heinrich Stone Blade Merchant
19 Pig and Whistle Tavern Jenn Langston
Elly Langston
Harry Burlguard
Ander Germaine
Christoph Faral
Reese Langston
Kendor Kabonga
Stephen Ryback
Erika Tate

--- (outside tavern)
Gives level 10 Warrior quest
Warrior Trainer
Drunk (to beat for level 10 Warrior quest)
Master of Cooking Recipes
Cooking Trainer (in back of tavern)
Cooking Supplier

20 Heavy Handed Weapons Gerik Koen Two Handed Weapon Merchant
21 The Seven Deadly Venoms Sloan McCoy
Jasper Fel
Lenny "Fingers" McCoy
Ol' Beasley
Dashel Stonefist

Poison Supplier
Shady Dealer
Lockpicking Trainer (outside in alley)
--- (outside in alley)
--- (outside in alley)

22 Thane's Boots and Shoulderpads Mayda Thane Cobbler
23 The Silver Shield Bryan Cross Shield Merchant
Dwarven District
Store Name
NPC name
24 --- Ulfir Ironbeard
Einris Brightspear
Thorfin Stoneshield
Hunter Trainer
Hunter Trainer
Hunter Trainer
25 outside Morgg Stormshot Swordsmith
26 outside Furen Longbeard
Therum Deepforge
Kaita Deepforge
Blacksmithing Trainer
Blacksmithing Supplier
27 --- Strumner Flintheel
Thulman Flintcrag
Raptor Trainer (outside)
Guns Vendor
28 outside Lilliam Sparkindel
Billibub Cogspinner
Engineering Trainer
Engineering Supplier
29 Dwarven Embassy --- ---
30 --- Kathrum Axehand
Grimand Elmore
Axe Merchant
Gives quest
31 --- Brooke Stonebraid
Gelman Stonehand
Mining Supplier
Mining Trainer
32 --- [PH] Brohan Caskbelly
Wilder Thistlenettle
33 --- --- ---
34 Cutthroat Alley --- ---
74 --- Shoni the Shilent gives quest (around level 11)
Stormwind Keep
Store Name
NPC name
35 Petitioner's Chamber [PH] Count Remington Ridgewell
Lord Baurles K. Wishock
[PH] Caledra Dawnbreeze
House of Nobles
House of Nobles
36 Royal Gallery --- ---
37 Royal Library Donyal Tovald
Lord Gregor Lescovar
Milton Sheaf
38 --- Lord Daval Prestor II
King Anduin Wrynn
Highlord Bolvard Fordragon
39 --- Bishop DeLavey ---
40 --- Major Samuelson Stormwind City Guard
41 --- Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth
[PH] Mithras Ironhill
Cathedral Square
Store Name
NPC name
42 --- --- ---
43 --- --- ---
44 Righteous Plates Agustus Moulaine
Theresa Moulaine
Mail Armor Merchant
Robe Vendor
45 The Argent Dawn --- ---
46 City Hall Baros Alexston City Architect (gives level 14+ quest)
47 outside Brother Kristoff ---
48 Just Maces Gregory Ardus Mace Merchant
49 Cathedral of Light Thomas
Duthorian Rall
Bishop Farthing
[PH] Archbishop Benedictus
Brother Joshua
Gazim Tenorm
Brother Benjamin
Arthur the Faithful
Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
Katherine the Pure
Shaina Fuller
Brother Cassius
Brother Anton
Altar Boy
Priest Trainer
Priest Trainer
Paladin Trainer
Paladin Trainer
Paladin Trainer
First Aid Trainer
Reagent Vendor
Scarlet Crusade Emissary (downstairs)
50 The Finest Thread --- ---
Store Name
NPC name
51 --- Warden Thelwater
Nurse Lilian
The Park
Store Name
NPC name
52 --- Theridian
[PH] Argos Nightwhisper
Druid Trainer
Survival Trainer (keeps moving in the park)
Tallstrider Trainer
53 --- --- ---
54 --- --- ---
Mage Quarters
Store Name
NPC name
55 Warlock Tavern --- ---
56 --- Shylamiir
Herbalism Trainer
Herbalism Supplier
57 --- --- ---
58 --- --- ---
59 --- --- ---
60 outside Caretaker Folsom ---
61 Pyrotechnics Darian Singh Fireworks Vendor
62 The Slaughtered Lamb (Warlock Tavern)

Jarel Moor
Ursula Deline
Spackle Thornberry
Demisette Cloyce
Gakin the Darkbinder
Zardeth of the Black Claw
Acolyte Porena

Warlock Trainer
Demon Trainer
Warlock Trainer
Warlock Trainer
63 Ancient Curios Charys Yserian Arcane Trinkets Vendor
64 Essential Components Owen Vaughn Reagent Vendor
65 outside Archmage Malin ---
66 Wizard Sanctum Maginor Dumas
[PH] High Sorceror Andromas
Jennea Cannon
Larimaine Purdue

Master Mage
Mage Trainer
Mage Trainer (gives level 10 quest)
Portal Trainer

67 Stormwind Staves Ardwyn Cailen
Allan Hafgan
Wand Merchant
Staves Merchant
68 Duncan's Textiles Georgio Bolero
Duncan Callen
Alexandra Bolero
Tailoring Trainer
Light Armor Merchant
Tailoring Supplier
69 Alchemy Needs Tannysa
Lilyssia Nightbreeze
Maria Lumere
Herbalism Trainer (outside)
Herbalism Supplier
Alchemy Trainer
Alchemy Supplier
70 outside Collin Mauren ---
71 Larson Clothiers Wynne Larson
Evan Larson
Thurman Schneider
Robe Merchant
Receives quest item from Rema Schneider
72 --- Lucan Cordell
Jessaca Cordell
Enchanting Trainer
Enchanting Supplier
73 --- Mazen Mac'Nadir
Acolyte Dellis
Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences